Plans for Lent
From Rev. Helen:
The season of Lent is fast approaching, a time of penitence and reflection leading us to Holy Week. To encourage your Lenten journey this year, we will be sending out Lenten materials over the next two weeks which will include:
1. Prayers and materials, including some ashes, for your use on Ash Wednesday (Feb. 17) as you stay safe at home. We are planning to have in- person and live-streamed services on that day at 7.30 am, midday and 6.30 pm when we shall also use ashes, and hope that you will join us online or in person depending on our ‘red county’ status at that time. Watch for news via eminders closer to the time.
2. Â Anglican prayer beads and prayers to use those beads on Fridays during Lent. In our recent parish spiritual inventory, we heard of the desire to grow spiritually and we are focusing on some different ways of developing our prayer lives in this first part of 2021. During Epiphany, we looked at praying with icons like the ones we have in St Raphael’s. Now, during Lent, we shall practice the tactile aid to prayer that are Anglican prayer beads. Instructions are also included in the packet, and we shall follow this form of prayer together on Fridays in Lent at 11am on Facebook.
Some, who are already used to praying in this way, might want to purchase this Lent devotional that uses beads to pray daily, with Scriptures.
3. Â For families, and for any who enjoy coloring (another great aid to meditational prayer!), there are also materials to focus on the Stations of the Cross every Friday in Lent and Good Friday in Holy Week. You might like to color all of these designs to create your own Stations at home.
We will be focusing on the Stations of the Cross in a variety of formats each Friday during Lent, and Deacon Charles and I will be offering a recorded series of Stations from various locations around Lexington on those Fridays at midday. More details will follow.
4. Â As a reminder that Lent is a time to fast and respond to the needy in our community, our Lent packet also includes a Lent Appeal list to replenish our Angel Pantry. We have distributed the food donated during Advent to the homeless, and there are so many needy in these days. Please bring your contributions to church during office hours (10am-2pm Monday to Thursday).
5. There are also a couple of helpful, fun charts to help you think about your Lenten discipline this year that doesn’t involve giving up chocolate! Enjoy!
We will be sending another packet to you all before Holy Week, and pray that we shall somehow be able to celebrate this Easter face to face! Your lenten packet includes ashes which you can use on Ash Wednesday if you choose to worship at home.
PS volunteers to deliver our Lent and Holy Week packets are most welcome – just let Rev Helen know ASAP!
Update: We will be offering 9 in-person Ash Wednesday services, each with very limited capacity. Register using the buttons here:
Lenten packets have been delivered. If you didn’t receive yours please contact Rev. Helen.