Help Stock our Food Pantry!
Help local organizations which serve vulnerable children and families in our community!
Bring items to the admin office on Sundays or from 11 am to 2 pm Tuesday, Wednesday, or
Thursday or on Sunday mornings when you attend services. We will distribute them to local organizations.
Suggested items:
- Canned goods: meat, tuna, vegetables, fruit, beans, soup, chili, stew, pasta with sauce (Spaghettios etc.), pasta sauce
- Boxed pasta, rice, mixes, mac and cheese
- Packaged snacks, fruit cups, granola bars
- Cereal, oatmeal, peanut butter, jelly
- Feminine hygiene items, diapers, wipes
Can’t shop? Contribute at https://sreclex.org/give and designate to the Mission Fund.