Fill the Church with Poinsettias for Christmas
It is our tradition that during the season of Advent the altar is decorated only with greenery, no
flowers. Then on Christmas Eve, a festive explosion of bright red poinsettias adorns the sanctuary and
nave thanks to the Altar Guild and our donors. Poinsettias are 1 for $15 or two for $25.
Please consider giving a gift of poinsettias in honor, thanksgiving, or memory of someone dear. If you like, your designation will be printed in the Christmas Eve service bulletin. When using our online giving portal at sreclex.org/give, indicate your intentions (names and statements as you’d like them printed in the bulletin) in the Memo field at the end of the transaction. If you prefer to give a check, please write the information in the Memo area.
Need a gift idea for the person who is hard to buy for? Give a poinsettia in their honor and we will send a card announcing your gift. If you’d like a card mailed, please include the address in the Memo area. You may take poinsettias home after the Christmas season if you like. No poinsettias will be shipped.