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Pentecost season of growth

Pentecost, season of growth

I hope you all have had a blessed summer! As you all know, I took a short sabbatical, mostly to enable me to visit my ever-expanding family and take a Camino pilgrimage with my husband. By now, you will have heard quite a bit about the Camino, something we had dreamt of doing for many years. You will also have heard that we spent time with our grandson in London, and that I was there to celebrate his first birthday and for us both to baptize him. I am so glad that the Microsoft glitch that caused chaos for airlines (and my return to the US), but it did mean I got to spend a few good days with Kylie – her wedding is just two months away, and the excitement builds!

It is interesting how the church seasons follow and add to the year’s seasons. The Pentecost season of 26 weeks (the green season after Pentecost through to Christ the King on the last Sunday before Advent) reflects our growth towards the heart of faith in Jesus Christ. The lectionary seems to shift from personally turning more and more to Jesus, and then shifts again as we move into September towards our action for peace and justice in our world. For the last few years, we have joined in with a global and ecumenical ‘Seasons of Creation’ through September to St Francis Day on October 4. This year, we shall be hearing from six women bishops around the Anglican Communion on the 2024 international theme of ‘Hope and Act with Creation’. This will be our small way of joining in the celebration of 80 years of women’s ordination, recognized around the Communion throughout 2024.

One of the things I enjoy most about living in the US and northern hemisphere are the changing seasons. Each season brings its fun and joy, hope that moves us forward, and new events to share with friends and family. Encourage your friends and family to join you at church as we keep the faith together during the coming season!

May we walk in peace as we love and serve God together!

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