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Godly Play St. Raphael Lexington KY

Children’s Chapel

Our chapel team is so EXCITED about our GODLY PLAY curriculum. When possible, we’ve linked our modules each week to what is happening upstairs in church.

Children of ALL AGES are most welcome to hear about Sacred Stories, Liturgical Action, and the Parables.

As always, Diane will have a fun craft for the children to reinforce what they learned in Godly Play.

Children who wish to participate should sit with their parents in the pews. Our Children’s Chapel Crucifer will lead children downstairs to their own special room.

We have a special room all set up for our Godly Play service.  We will come back to the church in time for communion.

The younger kids will take turns being the CRUCIFER (cross carrier).

Ask your parents to let Janis Rosebrook know which Sunday you would like to help.

Parents, grandparents, and adult friends, you can also sign up to help. The more the merrier!

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