Children’s Ministry Update
Check out our new banners!
Our Godly Play room is surrounded by colorful banners representing each season of the church year. The Easter banner will be displayed at the church’s Easter services. The banner for common time (green), Lent (purple), Ascension (red), Advent (purple), Pentecost (red), Epiphany (white/yellow), and pink for the two rose Sundays during the year surround our children during Godly Play. Please visit our classroom to experience the ambiance.
Learning about special Saints
Godly Play offers 4 extra sessions on more recent saintly persons who influence our lives: Martin Luther King, John Lewis, Harriet Tubman, and Bishop Barbara Harris. We learned about the undying faith of each of these “saints”. Each one grew up under harsh or difficult circumstances, and yet each had a tremendous impact on the people of this country. Ask the children about these modern saints when you see them at church!
New Godly Play materials
Godly Play has reorganized, re-written, and reformatted all the lessons. Through the generosity of the parish, we have purchased new teachers’ books and this summer we will begin using the new materials. We need MORE SHOE BOXES! All the small Godly Play pieces will be reorganized into the new format.
Godly Play schedule and adult team members
The schedule for Godly Play during the time the children is out of school has not been finalized. There will be no Vacation Bible School (VBS) this summer. Children’s Ministry leadership (Diane Whorley, Amanda Whorley, Tim Allen, and Janis Rosebrook) need a break along with the children. We risk burn-out if we don’t get more adults trained to teach the Godly Play modules. We will announce the summer schedule shortly.
What Children’s Ministry needs:
1. Shoe boxes, preferably with detachable lids
2. Lincoln logs and Legos
3. Someone to sort through the books in the parish hall library.
4. Volunteers to work on Sundays as an aide.
5. Volunteers to teach Godly Play
6. We must have two adults present at all times.