Advent Lessons and Carols & Holiday Kick-Off Open House Potluck
Join us for Advent Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 4 at 11 am. During the service there will be readings from the Bible, each followed by a hymn, anthem, or other music. This is a Eucharist service. Communion will be offered. In the Episcopal Church, all who are baptized into the Christian faith are welcome to take communion. Others may come to the altar for a blessing.
The Holiday Kick-Off and Open House Potluck will follow the Advent Lessons and Carols service on
December 4 at 11 am.
• Pot-Luck luncheon following the service. Please bring a dish to share.
• Door Prizes
• Quilt Raffle
• Kids Activities
Join us as we kick off the holiday season and open our house to past, present, and future members and their guests. All are welcome. Masks may be worn. We wish to welcome anyone interested in checking out Saint Raphael.
- Help with the following items is appreciated:
- Bring a side dish, salad, or dessert
- Craft, solicit, or donate items for Door Prizes (gift cards, gift baskets, crafted items)
- Sell raffle tickets for the quilt raffle – hanging in the church foyer – Nancy’s scrappy quilt, Queen size ($1 each or 6 for $5, drawing to be held during the open house)
- Volunteer to help in the kitchen, set up, clean up, door prizes, etc.
- Invite your friends, family, and neighbors
- Share the Facebook event to your page and contacts
Contact the church if you can help! Hope to see you there.