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The Gospel of Mark: a Prayer Labyrinth

At the entrance to the labyrinth:

1:1-8  The Gospel opens with the prophecy of the coming of John the Baptist, who appeared in the wilderness and baptized the people for the forgiveness of sins in preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Begin the labyrinth journey:

1:9-12  Jesus was baptized and the Spirit descended upon him. Then he went off into wilderness, where he was tempted by the devil, then angels came and looked after him. Meanwhile John was arrested and imprisoned.

Make 1st turn in labyrinth:

1:15-45  Jesus began to preach announcing the Kingdom of God. He calls his first disciples, and they travel to Capernaum, where he taught in the synagogue, cured a man possessed of an evil spirit, and the people began to take notice. He visited and cured Peter’s mother-in-law, and then slipped away by himself. The disciples searched for him and then travelled through Galilee, preaching and curing the sick, including a leper.

Make 2nd turn in labyrinth:

2:1- 3:35  Back in Capernaum, Jesus taught in a house and a paralytic man was lowered by his friends through the roof for healing. Jesus calls Levi, a tax collector, and John’s disciples ask Jesus about fasting. He responds with the parable of new cloth sewn onto an old garment and new wine put in old wine skins. The disciples pick corn and Jesus cures a man with a withered arm on a Sabbath and the Temple notices that he is gathering crowds and healing many. He is accused of being in league with Beelzebub. Jesus now has 12 disciples, and tells his mother and brothers that his family includes those who follow him.

Make 3rd turn in labyrinth:

4:1-34  Jesus again got into a boat to teach crowds. He tells them the parables of the lamp, the measure, the seed, and the Kingdom that was like a mustard seed that grew into a tree.

Make 4th turn in labyrinth:

4:35-5:13  Jesus and the disciples got into a boat, and sailed across the sea of Galilee. A storm blew up whilst Jesus slept. He calms the wind and rebukes the lack of faith of his disciples. On the other side, they encounter a demoniac and Jesus orders the demons into a herd of pigs.

Make 5th turn in labyrinth:

5:14-43  The people ask Jesus to leave their land, and they return to Galilee. Jairus, a synagogue official, asks Jesus to heal his daughter before she dies, and on the way to his house, Jesus heals a woman with a hemorrhage. At Jairus’ house, he tells Jairus’ daughter to get up.

Make 6th turn in labyrinth:

6:1-8:26  Jesus and his disciples then went to Nazareth, Jesus’ home town, where he was not received and is amazed at their lack of faith. Jesus sends out the 12 disciples to preach the good news and heal the sick. Herod hears about Jesus and wonders whether he is John the Baptist returned from the dead.

Make 7th turn in labyrinth:

6:30-7:23  Meanwhile, the disciples return full of excitement, and Jesus greets them before they all go off in a boat to a quiet place to rest – but the crowds have followed them and Jesus feeds them before heading again to the hills to pray. The disciples sail back in a boat but get caught in a strong head wind. The see Jesus walk on water towards them. On reaching the other side, more crowds await healing. Later, at a meal with some Pharisees, Jesus preaches of the need for cleanliness of the heart.

Make 8th turn in labyrinth:

7:24-8:30  Then, travelling on his own to Tyre, he meets the Syrophoenician woman and heals her daughter. On his return, he heals a deaf man. He again is followed by a crowd (+5000) needing food. They are fed and again there is a lot left over. Jesus and his disciples sail to Dalmanutha, where the Pharisees ask for a sign. Sailing away, Jesus is amazed at his disciple’s anxiety over hunger. In Bethsaida, he heals a blind man. Reaching Caesarea-Philippi, Peter professes his faith in Jesus as the Christ.

Make 9th turn in labyrinth:

8:31-9:1  Jesus begins to speak about how he will be killed and rise again. When Peter protests, Jesus warns that following him means taking up their own cross.

Make 10th turn in labyrinth:

9:2-29  Then Peter, James and John go up the mountain and witness Jesus transfigured with Moses and Elijah. On their return, the disciples told of their difficulty in healing an epileptic boy, who he then heals, and tells the disciples that sometimes they needed to pray.

Make 11th turn in labyrinth:

9:30-50  They travel on through Galilee, and Jesus speaks again of his death and resurrection. They discuss who is the greatest, and Jesus speaks of becoming servants, welcoming all even little children, and warned about betraying children and falling into sin.

Make 12th turn in labyrinth:

10:1-52  Moving on towards Jerusalem, Jesus teaches about divorce, letting children come to him, and the danger of riches after a rich man speaks to Jesus. When Jesus speaks again of his passion, the sons of Zebedee make their request, and Jesus teaches about those who are great in the Kingdom must be slave to all.

Make 13th turn in labyrinth:

11:1-12:44  Reaching the outskirts of Jerusalem, Jesus sends ahead two disciples to get an ass for his entry into Jerusalem. Jesus visits the Temple and Bethany, curses a fig tree, expels money changers, tells the parable of the vineyard and wicked husbandmen, giving to Caesar, the resurrection of the dead, the greatest commandment, and the widow’s mite.

Make 14th turn in labyrinth:

13:1-37  Jesus leaves the Temple, prophesying the destruction of Jerusalem, the return of the Son of Man, and warning all to be alert.

Make 15th turn in labyrinth:

14:1-72  The Passion progresses with the Passover meal, betrayal, Gethsemane, Sanhedrin, Peter’s denial.

Make 16th turn in labyrinth:

15:1-47  Pilate’s judgement, and Golgotha. Women gathered at a distance, and he was laid in a nearby tomb.

At the center:

16:1-20 After the Sabbath, three women went to the tomb, to be greeted by an angel. The risen Jesus appears to Mary of Magdala, two disciples and then all the disciples, who he sends out to proclaim the good news to the whole of creation.

Retrace your steps and return to the entrance.

Adapted from ‘Meditations in a Busy World’ by Peter Clare (2009)

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