Welcome to Children’s Chapel!
Starting in September, you will have your very own chapel service.
Yes, away from your parents!!
Yes, you could carry the cross to bring all the kids together for our own special time.
Yes, you could be the reader of the lessons about Jesus!
Plus, we will sing, play instruments, and have fun together.
On September 5, Reverend Helen will bring all the kids to the front of the church to explain
how this special time is going to work.
Then on Sunday, September 12, we will begin! Right after the opening prayer, Xavier will be
the first crucifer – he will process down the aisle holding the wooden cross high, to let the kids
know follow him downstairs.
We have a special room all set up for our chapel service. The service is pretty short. Isaac is
the reader for that Sunday. He will read the bible story for our service. We will sing and play
instruments, and have a pretty great time. We will come back to the church in time for
The younger kids (like Xavier and Naz) will take turns being the CRUCIFER (cross carrier). Older
kids (those that can read well), will sign up to be our official READER. Ask your parents to let
Janis Rosebrook know which Sunday you would like to help.
Parents, grandparents, and adult friends, you can also sign up to help. The more the merrier!
Last, but not least, parents should save Sunday, October 31st for our performance in church.
We will have costumes and instruments and will sing a wonderful song for the congregation.
The Chapel team includes:
Chris Young
Sr. Becky Collins
Diane Whorley
Janis Rosebrook
…and any other adult or older teen who would like to help!
Yeah!! Chapel Service starts on September 12 during the 11:00 am service.