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Please join us for Advent and Christmas services at St. Raphael's!

All events are in person and some are also virtual on our Facebook Page.


Sundays in Advent

Advent I  December 1
8:30 am Rite I service, spoken
11:00 am Rite II service with organ and choir

Advent II  December 8
8:30 am Rite I service, spoken
11:00 am Rite II service with organ and choir

Advent III  December 15
8:30 am Rite I service, spoken
11:00 am Rite II service with organ and choir

Advent IV  December 22
11 am  Holy Eucharist Rite II with music and Christmas Pageant


Wednesday Services

December 4 & 11, Holy Eucharist with Healing

December 18, Blue Christmas Service at Noon, see below.

No Wednesday Service January 1.


Bible Study

We are studying the Book of Ephesians and are on Chapter 4. Meet at 9:45 am in the Bride’s Room. (In person only.)


Blue Christmas Service

For those who are grieving, or challenged with depression, addiction, or a life transition, Christmas can be a difficult time. Attending our special Blue Christmas service can help. Wednesday, December 18 at Noon.


Saturday December 24, Christmas Eve

5:30 pm Family Eucharist.

9:30 pm Carols and 10 pm Eucharist with Choir

Please bring newborn gifts wrapped in white tissue for the children to carry to the altar! Gifts will be distributed to needy infants and Moms-to-be in our community. Suggested items: socks, onesies, diapers, blankets, hats, mittens, undershirts, pajamas, snow suits. Please wrap them in plain white tissue. We will bring them to the altar and bless them and their recipients.

Sunday, December 25, Christmas Day 10:00 a.m. spoken Eucharist Service (in-person only, no livestream or Children’s Chapel)

Sunday, December 29, First Sunday after Christmas 11:00 Lessons & Carols

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