Reverse Advent Calendar starts November 27
Help local organizations which serve vulnerable children and families in our community!
Traditional advent calendars count down the days in December until Christmas by giving users a
surprise. With this reverse advent calendar, you are the one providing a treat to a vulnerable
neighbor. Bring items to the admin office on Sundays or from 11 am to 2 pm Monday, Tuesday, or
Thursday. We will distribute them to local organizations
27 Canned beans, all types
28 Birthday and Note Cards
29 Postage Stamps
30 Cleaning Supplies
1 Tea bags and instant coffee
2 Canned fruit
3 Baby Diapers and wipes
4 Toothpaste and toothbrushes
5 Gloves
6 Deodorant
7 New socks, all sizes
8 Canned vegetables
9 Winter clothing for adults
10 Winter clothing for children
11 Canned soup
12 Children’s underwear
13 Peanut Butter
14 Tissues
15 $25 Kroger gift cards
16 Handwarmers
17 Pasta, all types
18 Canned pasta sauce (no glass jars please)
19 Surface disinfectant wipes
20 mac and cheese
21 granola bars
22 scarves and hats
23 blankets
24 items for newborn babies wrapped in white tissue (to be brought to the altar on Christmas Eve services.)
If you would rather make a monetary donation, contribute to the Mission/Discretionary Fund and list your intention in the “Gift Memo” field. One of our volunteers will shop for needed items for you. Give online here. Thanks!